Corporations, Celebrities, and Politics

What role should public figures and corporations play in advocating for social or political causes? Last year, Laura Ingraham made headlines by urging Lebron James to just "shut up and dribble" in response to his outspoken views on President Trump.  Today, people are up-in-arms about a new Gillette razor ad that takes on toxic masculinity … Continue reading Corporations, Celebrities, and Politics

Republicans Post-Trump

Whether it be two or six years from now, Donald Trump will relinquish effective control of the Republican Party.  He won't have the legislative power that he currently holds, yet will certainly continue to have influence on American politics.  To think that Trump will fade into the shadows after his time serving as President would … Continue reading Republicans Post-Trump

Expanding the Overton Window

The idea behind the Overton window is that there is a narrow range of acceptable policy ideas that someone could advocate for.  To expand this window requires publicly advocating for seemingly radical policies (the difference, say, between advocating for raising the minimum wage by a dollar or by 10 dollars). The idea being that, if you … Continue reading Expanding the Overton Window